November 6,
2022 355 355
We could use your help raising funds to support our various programs that will help to protect cotton-top tamarins in Colombia. Facebook and Instagram allow you to host fundraisers on your personal pages in support of causes like Proyecto Titi!
November 6,
2022 506 506
We are excited to share some unique products this holiday season that help to support local communities in Colombia!
September 30,
2022 427 427
Cristian Cervantes was born in San Juan Nepomuceno and enjoyed spending time at his grandfather’s farm when he was a child. In fact, the farm is where is saw his very first cotton-top tamarin in the nearby forest.
September 30,
2022 468 468
The community of Los Límites, home to our first celebration has hosted their event to include many fun activities with kids displaying their creativity in ways to show their dedication to cotton-top tamarin conservation.
June 11,
2022 616 616
In 2017, Proyecto Tití decided to protect forested areas near Los Colorados National Park (2,500 acres), one of the largest forests for cotton-top tamarins in northern Colombia
June 11,
2022 559 559
As Proyecto Tití works with communities to build sustainable income generating programs, we also are committed to ensuring that people feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in understanding how their efforts are helping to protect cotton-top tamarins.