Most callitrichids eat the fruits of trees, vines and epiphytes, insects, newly sprouted leaves, buds or flowers, and small vertebrates. Some species also rely on tree exudates (gum and sap).
The examination of diet showed that cotton-tops in Santa Catalina and Colosó feed from more than 50 and 60 different tree species, respectively, in at least 45 families. With fruit making up the largest portion of the diet, cotton-top tamarins may be important seed dispersal agents for trees in the rainforest. Garber (1986) found the planting of defecated seeds from two tamarin species yielded a germination success rate of 70%, Callitrichids are likely influencing both regeneration and structure of the forest. For a complete review of the diet of the cotton-top tamarins see Savage et al, 2022.
The diet is highly seasonal, correlating with the rainy season when most trees are fruiting. When fruit is scarce, the proportion of gums, nectar, and insects in the diet increases.
Food Type: F = Fruit, E = Exudates, Fl = Flower, M = Meristems, N = Nectar
Field Site: C = Coloso, SC = Santa Catalina, SJ = San Juan Nepomuceno
Family |
Species |
Common Name |
Food Type |
Field Site |
Image |
Acanthaceae |
Tichanthera sp. |
Palo de agua |
F |
C |
Acanthaceae |
Bravaisia integerrima |
Palo de agua |
M |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Achariaceae |
Mayna grandifolia |
Puerco espín |
F |
SC |
1,2 |
Amaranthaceae |
Chamissoa altissima |
Pintabollo |
F |
SC |
1,2 |
Anacardiaceae |
Anacardium excelsum |
Caracolí |
F, E |
C |
Astronium graveolens |
Santa cruz (Quebracho) |
E |
SC, C |
1,2,3,4 |
Mangifera indica |
Mango |
F |
C |
Spondias mombin |
Hobo |
F, E |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Anonaceae |
Annona purpurea |
Guanacona |
N |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Ephedranthus colombianus |
Yaya prieta |
F |
C |
Apocynaceae |
Formosia sp. |
Peronillo |
Fl |
C |
Rauvolfia ligustrina |
Venenito |
F |
SC |
Thevetia ahouai |
Tomatillo |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Araceae |
Philodendron cf. hederaceum |
Abrazadera |
F |
SC,C |
Arecaceae |
Desmoncus orthacanthos |
Matamba |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3 |
Sabal mauritiiformis |
Palma amarga |
F |
SC |
1 |
Bignoniaceae |
Anemopaegma orbiculatum |
Bejuco de bacota (Flor amarilla) |
N |
SC |
1 |
Martinella obovata |
Bejuco colorado |
N |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Dolichandra unguis-cati |
Bejuco uñita |
N |
SC |
1,2 |
Pithecoctenium crucigerum |
Bejuco canastilla |
N |
SC |
Tabebuia sp. |
Pijiño blanco |
F |
C |
Tanaecium jaroba |
Bejuco calabacilla |
N |
SC |
Anemopaegma chrysoleucum |
Bejuco (Flor blanca) |
1,2,3 |
Bombacaceae |
Cavanillesia platanifolia |
Macondo |
E |
SC |
Ceiba pentandra |
Ceiba bonga |
E |
SC |
Pachira quinata |
Ceiba colorada |
N |
SC |
Pseudobombax septenatum |
Ceiba |
Fl |
C |
Boraginaceae |
Cordia collococca |
Muñeco |
F |
C |
Cordia dentata |
Uvito |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Cordia lucidula |
Arato |
F |
SC |
Burseraceae |
Bursera simarouba |
Indio en cuero |
E |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Cactaceae |
Acanthocercus tetragonus |
Pitahaya |
F, T |
SC, C |
1,2,3 |
Pereskia guamacho |
Guamacho |
F |
SC, C |
Cactus |
C |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Brownea ariza |
Arizal |
B |
C |
Cassia grandis |
Cañandonga |
E |
SC |
1 |
Capparidaceae |
Cynophalla sessilis |
Guanabanito |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Crataeva tapia |
Naranjuelo |
F |
SC |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Caricaceae |
Carica papaya |
F |
C |
Celastraceae |
Maytenus sieberiana |
Corocito |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3 |
Combretaceae |
Combretum fruticosum |
Peinecillo |
N |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Cucurbitaceae |
Momordica charantia |
Balsamina |
F |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros inconstans |
Juan de dios |
F |
SC |
1,2 |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Muntingia calabura |
Periquito |
F |
C |
1,2 |
Erythroxylaceae |
Erythoxylon sp. |
Coca de mico |
E |
C |
Euforbiaceae |
Alcalifa sp. |
Arara |
F |
C |
Cnidosculus urens |
E |
SC, C |
Hura crepitans |
Ceiba blanca (Ceiba de Leche) |
Fl |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Fabaceae |
Acacia affinis |
Bejuco zarza |
E |
1,2 |
Lonchocarpus pictus |
Majagua de gallina |
E |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Swartzia simplex |
Arara |
F |
SC |
Enterolobium cyclocarpum |
Orejero |
F, E |
C |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Flacourtiaceae |
Casearia corymbosa |
Vara de humo |
F |
C |
Xylosma intermedium |
Carita de santo |
F |
C, SC |
Hippocrateaceae |
Hippocratea cf. volubilis |
Bejuco corralero |
E |
SC |
Lauraceae |
Nectandra membranaceae |
Aguacatillo |
E |
C |
Lecytidaceae |
Lecythis minor |
Olla de mono |
E |
SC, C |
1,2,3,4 |
Leguminosae |
Albizzia caribaea |
Guacamayo |
F, E |
C, SC |
Enterolobium sp. |
Chicho |
E |
C |
1 |
Inga hayesii |
Guamito |
F |
SC |
Mimosa sp. |
Zarza |
E |
C |
Phitecellobium himeanaefolium |
Loro |
F |
C |
Pithecellobium lanceolatum |
Tiribuchi |
F |
SC |
Pithecellobium samán |
Campano |
E |
C |
1,2 |
Loganiaceae |
Strychnos tarapotensis |
Bejuco alambre |
F |
SC |
1,2 |
Loranthaceae |
Passovia pedunculata |
Cagadita de pájaro |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Malpighiaceae |
Malpighia punicifolia |
Cerezo montana |
F |
C |
Malvaceae |
Malvaviscus arboreus |
Quesito |
F, N |
SC |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Meliaceae |
Cedrella odorata |
Cedro |
E |
C |
Trichilia acuminata |
Negrito |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Trichilia appendiculata |
Mangle blanco |
F |
C |
1,2,3 |
Trichilia hirta |
Hobo Verde |
F |
SC, C |
1 |
Trichilia martiana |
Vara de piedra de humo |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Menispermaceae |
Cissampelos pareira |
Nigua de puerco |
F |
SC |
Odontocarya tamoides |
Nigua de puerco |
F |
SC |
Mimosaceae |
Zygia inaequalis |
Guamo arroyero |
E |
SC |
Moraceae |
Brosimum alicastrum |
Guáimaro |
F |
C, SC |
Brosimum guianense |
Pava (Fruta de pava) |
F |
SC |
1 |
Brosimum sp. |
Caucho |
F, Fl |
C |
Cecropia obtusifolia |
Guarumo |
F |
C |
Cecropia sp. |
Yarumo |
F, Fl |
C |
Maclura tinctoria |
Mora |
F |
C |
1,2,3 |
Ficus dendroica |
Suan |
F |
C |
Ficus pallida |
Cope |
F |
C |
Maclura tinctoria |
Mora |
F |
SC |
Pouruma sp. |
Uva de monte |
F |
C |
Sorocea sprucei |
Pempinillo |
F |
SC |
Myrcinaceae |
Stylogyne turbacensis |
Patica de paloma |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Myrtaceae |
Eugenia acapulcensis |
Escobillo |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Psidium guajaba |
Guayabo macho |
F, E |
C |
Nyctaginaceae |
Neea nigricans |
Buche de sapo |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Phytolaccaceae |
Trichostigma octandrum |
Bejuco de burro |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Piperaceae |
Piper aduncum |
Piper |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Polygonaceae |
Coccoloba caracasana |
Uvero |
F |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Coccoloba coronata |
Juan garrote |
M |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Rubiaceae |
Alibertia edulis |
Yaya de cajón |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Ciniciolia spinosa |
Fruta de pava |
F |
C |
Clavija latifolia |
Huevo de icotea
F, FL |
1,2,3 |
Genipa americana |
Aguacatillo |
F |
C, SC |
1,2 |
Genipa caruto |
Encerao |
F |
C |
Genippa americana |
Zapatillo |
F, Fl |
C |
Pittoniotis trichantha |
Pigiño (Pigiño blanco) |
F |
SC, C |
1,2,3 |
Psychotria sp. |
Ají de monte |
F |
SC |
Randia armata |
Maria angola de espina |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3 |
Rosenbergiodendron formosum |
Maria angola |
F |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Rondeletia purdiei |
Bola de titi |
F |
SC |
1 |
Santalaceae |
Acanthosyris colombiana |
Yaya de sangre |
F |
SC |
Sapindaceae |
Allophyllus racemosus |
Crispeta |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Matayba scrobiculata |
Guacharaco |
E |
SC |
1,2 |
Melicoca bijuga |
Mamón |
F |
C |
Paullinia cururu |
Ojo de perdiz |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Paullinia pinnata |
Carne asada |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Sapindus saponaria |
Jaboncillo |
E |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Melicoccus oliviformis |
Mamón de mico (o María) |
F |
SC |
1 |
Manao |
F, E |
C |
Sapotaceae |
Manilkara chicle |
Níspero |
F |
C |
Manilkara sp. |
Níspero de monte |
F |
C |
Sideroxilon persimile |
Guayacán de bola |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Urea tamarindoides |
Tamarindo |
F |
C |
Costilla de vaca |
F |
C |
Solanaceae |
Solanum volubile |
Una de gato |
F |
SC |
1,2,3,4 |
Sterculiaceae |
Basiloxylum excelsum |
Zapato |
E |
C |
Guazuma ulmifolia |
Guácimo |
F |
C, SC |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Luehea sp. |
Cabo de hacha |
F |
C |
Luehea sp. |
Molenillo |
F |
C |
Sterculia apétala |
Camajón |
F |
C |
Ulmaceae |
Celtis iguaneus |
Maíz tostado |
F |
C |
Urticaceae |
Urera baccifera |
Pringamoza |
F |
C, SC |
Verbenaceae |
Vitex compresa |
Aceituno |
F |
SC |
Vitaceae |
Cissus sicyoides |
Bejuco uva |
F |
SC |
Cachicarnero |
F |
C |
Huevo de icotea |
F |
SC |
1,2,3 |
Nuez moscado |
F |
C |
Varita de lazo |
F |
SC |
Castillo, E.F.G. 1996. Contribucion al conocimiento de la ecologia y etologia del titi de cabeza blanca (Saguinus oedipus – Linnaeus 1758), en la Serrania de la Coraza, Montes de Maria, Coloso, Sucre-Colombia. B.S. Thesis. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Molina, G.M.R. 2001. Inventario floristico de un bosque seco tropical (bs-T) en la hacienda “El Ceibal,” Santa Catalina (Bolivar), con énfasis en las especies asociadas a la dieta del tití cabeciblanco (Saguinus oedipus). B.S. Thesis. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Rizkalla, C. 2000. Feeding ecology and conservation of the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) in Colombia. M.E.M. Thesis. Duke University.
Garcia-Castillo, F. & Defler, T. R. 2018. The diet of Saguinus oedipus in a dry tropical forest and the importance of Spondias mombin Gum as a “Fallback Food.” Primate Conservation (32) 67-79