
Titi Tidbits

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Host a Social Media Fundraiser for Proyecto Tití


Host a Social Media Fundraiser for Proyecto Tití

We could use your help raising funds to support our various programs that will help to protect cotton-top tamarins in Colombia.  Facebook and Instagram allow you to host fundraisers on your personal pages in support of causes like Proyecto Titi!  It’s a great way to involve more of your followers to learn more about cotton-top tamarins and get involved in making a difference for wildlife.  We’ve put together step-by-step instructions on how to host a fundraiser and we’ve included photos and some video messages for you to use.  You can hold a general fundraiser for cotton-tops or you can choose to help us raise money to purchase more TITI Posts, plant more trees for tamarins and even give kids the opportunity to be part of our education programs to learn how they can help save cotton-top tamarins!




Take a look at our fundraising kit information and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at We really hope you can help us raise more funds for conservation!



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