Our Education Team is Growing!

At Proyecto Tití, we take immense pride in our dedication to instilling a sense of care and responsibility for cotton-top tamarins through our education initiatives. Witnessing students incorporating their newfound knowledge about these amazing animals into their daily lives is truly gratifying. Darío Alarcón exemplifies this transformative impact. Having excelled in the CARTITILLA and TITI CLUB programs, Dario's inherent passion, coupled with his theatrical background, made him a natural advocate for cotton-top tamarins. He became the persona of Tito Tití during the Day of the Cotton-top Tamarin festivities, captivating audiences and fostering enthusiasm for conservation efforts. Dario's unwavering commitment to Proyecto Tití's community endeavors was evident, always lending a helping hand whenever needed.

Seeing our former students now assuming roles as educators in classrooms and community programs, inspiring the next generation to care about cotton-top tamarins, fills us with immense joy. Darío joins CARTITILLA alumni Ana and Rosa, who are ready to guide and empower the next generation of conservationists dedicated to the welfare of these critically endangered primates.